6º of Separation

Did you know, you are only six handshakes away from the world’s most famous celebrity? Or for the matter of fact your unknown love of your life. Or any damn person on this Earth. An average of six people can connect you to any person in this whole wide world. Yeah crazy!!

My course asked me to watch this BBC documentary about ‘The 6 Degrees of Separation’ which reminded me that in my childhood, I always used to wonder how could I meet Salman Khan (Indian Film Actor) of whom I was a huge fan. So I use to make relations. I have a friend who’s brother studies in the same school as Shah Rukh Khan’s (Another Indian Film Actor) son. So I know my friend, who knows her brother, who knows SRK’s son, who knows SRK, who knows Salman. And so eventually I know Salman.

Calculating this, I used to smirk my way claiming to know the entire film industry and con-cequently knowing many Hollywood stars as well. Little did I know, there’s actually a proper serious science behind it, called the Six Degrees of Separation.

Frigyes Karinthy, a hungarian author, was the first proponent of the six degrees of separation concept, in his 1929 short story, Chains (Láncszemek) [Though the theory was popularized just recently]. The urban myth that use to go that everyone is connected, when researched around, dug down.. lead to deeper revelation, a new science of things, a novel way of looking at everything. An interesting hidden blueprint of the nature we know.

No one could have predicted how big this theory could be. Firstly a link was developed, that leads to a network. 6 Degrees of (Kevin) Bacon Separation, an internet game (created by some University students) really popularized the concept that everyone is connected. But it was just the beginning. . .

Now is the time when the ‘hubs’ came in play. After establishing that there is a network, a link everywhere, on mapping these networks, it was found that some links of the network were connected to a larger set of other links than the rest. This would further be proven helpful for the internet when the big guns, the big search engines such as Google, Yahoo are developed. Or it could be a bad, a very very bad catasthrophy. The concept of hubs led to the workings of a spread of virus, and not just confined to the internet world, but humans too. The best example is the spread of HIV. Send a bug to the link which is most connected and it could spread around unimaginably.


is it possible to predict the future and certify the past using the network theory. I’m convinced it can be. The hubs led to the core concept of how search engines like Google operates. There’s also a pattern, a network how diseases are caused and have caused in the past.

Everything is connected…

…and we are all in this together. NETWORK THEORY could be the said as the foundation of the 21st century. It is so simple yet so mysterious. The past is connected with the present, the present is connected with the future and there is a pattern in everything that happens in this universe. The day and night pattern, the sleeping pattern, the recurring pattern.

Based on the lines of this theory is the new Fox Drama Series ‘Touch‘, which drives on the elements of patterns and numbers and prediction. Do get have a look, if not the series at least the trailer. It is crazy how networks work. Science linked to drama. Another reference to networks was made in ‘The Social Network‘, where Mark asks his friend to get the emails of certain individuals (hubs) to send the link and get FaceBook connected to the world.

Networks is sophestication. It’s
important to study network to understand how (every)things function. How is the Earth connected with the Sun? How is the Sun connected with the Universe? How vast is the Universe? How do we contact aliens (if they even exist)? How do we know they exist or not exist? Everything can be found, by finding the right link(s).

It is amazing how one can find order in chaos.

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